About Eufloria

Rooted in Nature, Powered by your Soul
That’s the power of flower essence. There’s a lot going on in the world today. And so much coming at us all the time ~ information, technology, work, family, friends, activities, commitments ~ resulting in our systems being on “overload”. Now, more than ever, it’s important to feel grounded and firmly rooted in our soul purpose and possibility.
We all have our “stuff” - it’s part of life. It IS Life. Sometimes we feel stuck or unfulfilled and we just need a nudge or a sense of direction. Sometimes, it is much bigger, like the ground just fell away from us leaving us, perhaps, questioning everything. Whether it is just a mild shift you seek or you have been shaken to the core, customized flower essence blends are a powerful gift from nature that is a self harmonious and self organizing ecology. These little intuitive DNA tools gently collaborate as you claim your life victories in even the most uncertain times.
Transformation Through Co-Creation
You’re unique and so are flower essences. There are in fact hundreds of essences that can be accessed to customize a blend for exactly what you need, in this moment, to create an opportunity for transformation and happiness. That’s why every Eufloria floral essence blend created is one-of-a-kind! A short questionnaire, followed by an initial consultation, sets us on the right path. Based on your specific needs an individualized blend will be created just for you.
Happiness is an Inside Job
Open your mind, body and soul and allow your specific blend to guide you on your journey. You will take your floral essences 3x times/day for as long as you feel you need the support or until you feel the energy shift. Sometimes it will take a few graduated essence blends, however, your dedication will soon pay off and you will feel a sense of peace, wellness and ease. When you start to thrive and flourish and feel like the ground is beneath you again, then the power of the flower has done its job!
Eufloria is here to support you every step of the way!
It's a human transformation rooted in nature.
I can't wait to guide you on your unique journey to joy...